a simple accessory can make a person feel special. A ring, bracelet,
necklace or a pair of earrings can give one’s outfit a little bit
of color and leave them feeling extra glamorous. WI Girl Designs
recognizes how far a simple item can go and specializes in
accessories that are a mix of fun, style, and practicality. While
some pieces of jewelry are just for show, this company focuses on
making items that also serve a purpose. Rather than just for wearing,
their items include things like beaded
lanyards for badges, eye-glass-holders, or jewelry that is
used to celebrate the holidays. Their most popular item is the
lanyard. This is like a long necklace that is made up of many
styles of beads. The piece can be used to hold one’s keys. Another
popular use is beaded lanyards for badges. Employees attach their
badges to the jewelry and they are more likely to remember to put
their badge on in the morning. Some very fashion conscious
individuals buy a customized lanyard to wear with many different
outfits. They may have one that is shades of green, another that is
shades of pink and yet another that is black and gray. Adding color
to a boring and mundane uniform is one of the things that these
pieces do best. To see pictures of the products, to make an order, or
to get company contact information, customers can check out the site.
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